Friends are the added backbone and support of individuals and families. This site would not have been possible without the encouragement of the people listed here. Some are relatives and personal friends, known for years through good times and bad. Others we've met only through the building of these pages. We love them all and this is our tribute to them. If you take the time to visit their sites, we believe your lives will be enriched as well.
KING FAMILY TREASURES. Shirley King has been Linda's best friend for more years than either will acknowldege having had birthdays! Her youngest daughter, and computer genius, Lori has build this great tribute to her family. If you take a few minutes to visit you'll discover why we love them so much--and you might even discover their family treasures!
Somehow Lou Hamilton found our page and gave it a great write up, but then he was, until his recent retirement, a detective lieutenant with the Palm Beach Sheriff's Office. Lou has a great site with pages devoted to web graphics, sounds, games, law enforcement and chat addiction. When you visit this wonderful site, drop off your URL and you could win the "Ole Narc's Place Hot Site of the Month Award".
Follow Gord Baillie's "Eternal Flame" to his wonderful website full of magical midi's to lift your depression and banish your stress. Gord was a great help to Barry in critiquing his professional page and helping correct some design flaws. Hourourist, philosopher and computer pro, Gord's site has something for everyone.
ROGER BADEN BRADFORD is one of our most talented cousins. An ex-Brit and long time resident in distant Australia, Roger is reknowned for his museum quality scale models of Australia mining equipment. A great friend and fellow "Shepherd" genealogy researcher, much of what we know about the earliest Shepherd family is due to Roger's research. Click on the picture above to check out Roger's wonderful website.
ALAN APPLEBY, environmentalist, researcher, consultant, shaving equipment collector (despite--or maybe because of his red beard) and fellow Lindsay researcher. Much of what we know about the Lindsay and Muir family is due to Alan's efforts. He also has a great sense of humour and is very tall!